perjantai 31. heinäkuuta 2015

CLMOOC #6 Part 1: Multitasking in the forest

Today I with our dog had trip to the forest. This year we have so much berries and mushrooms, those healthy natural resources are waiting for pickers. I had map, compass, moblile phone with GPS and apps for moblie map, berry picker, couple pails and plastic bags and bottle of water.

 I have used to exercise and orienteering in the forest without trails with map and compass. We have lot of forests which are quite open.

But I noticed today - Firstly I put map, compass and mobile phone to the pocket. I could not use them, my eyes and thought had focused to find chantarelles, blueberries, wild strawberries and rasberries. It was still multitasking, when I thought blueberries, I saw cantarelles and on the contrary. Normally, I focus only one species at once, but now it was not possible.

I did not noticed how much time it took. I was 3 and half hour in my trip. At first my dog run around all the time, finaly she started to eat berries and lay on the ground. I ask her to find chantarelles for me through sense of smell, but she such eated berries.

This time I did not have any problems find back to the car - so I did not need map or mobile - or I could not manage too many task at the same time.

At home after two-three hours "cleaning" berries and chanttarelles I am waiting for my doughter made chantarelles souse and berry pie. Nam, nam...

In Finland we have quite wide everyman's rights, everyone may walk, ski or cycle freely in the countryside where this does not harm the natural environment or the landowner, except in gardens or in the immediate vicinity of people's homes (yards). Fields and plantations, which may easily be harmed, may usually not be crossed except in the winter. One may stay or set up camp temporarily in the countryside, a reasonable distance from homes, pick mineral samples, wild berries, mushrooms and flowers (as long as they are not protected species). One may fish with a rod and line (only still waters), row, sail or use a motorboat on waterways (with certain restrictions), and swim or bathe in both inland waters and the sea. One can walk, ski and ice fish on frozen lakes, rivers and the sea.

4 kommenttia:

  1. I love your freedoms. And I love how Nature overwhelmed your attempt at multitasking. Nature demands a whole response, a gestalt, and just laughs at our attempts to multitask. You have a feast. We have chanterelles and morels here as well as wild blackberries, black raspberries, and Jerusalem artichokes (some call the sunchokes). I can walk the wild country, but it technically not legal. I like your laws better. The US is such a young country and as such still trying to figure out what others have already learned. Just copy Finland I tell them. They do not listen. Thank you for sharing your home and your place in it.

  2. I think that freedoms as everyman's rights gives also opportunities at schools take immediate surroundings to be central space for learning. We have lot of doing about it, but it is one of my biggest interest. Of course national parks and museums are important, but usually we can't go there many times during school years. And I think we should link those visiting tours to parks and museums our own environment and find our history and nature. Knowing, making and playing (=tinkering as J-S Brown writes) in our nature environment give us to opportunity make sense of it.

  3. I love the idea of using the school's surroundings as a space for learning. Is it very complicated for you to go off school property with your students? In my case, it requires permission from parents and the front office.

  4. We don't need ask everytime permissions, it is one sentence in our year plan that we expand learning to our surroundings as a learning space/environment. Our new curriculum (2016) will highlight this kind of learning. Multidiciplinary phenomena from the outside of classroom should add for learning much more in every classroom. I have done this over 10 years and I have opportunity to tell these projects to other schools.

    It is important, that the field trips and trips to surroundings are not only such funny days at school. It is not bad that it is funny ;) but connections to learning and phenomena from outside of schools to be as a central part for learning is important.
